Lower Reach and Estuary
At the present time Kawa Stream does not enter Waikalua-Loko Fishpond directly, but flows parallel to and outside the south fishpond wall (here mostly an earthen berm) discharging into Kane`ohe Bay through Waikalua fishpond (a remnant fishpond east of Waikalua-Loko). Kane`ohe Stream enters the bay along the north side of Waikalua-Loko. Maps from the mid-1800's (reproduced in Cultural Surveys Hawaii, 1989) show both Kawa Stream and various auwai which drained the taro lo`i located between the lower courses of Kane`ohe and Kawa Streams once fed directly into Waikalua-Loko fishpond.1, 2 The estuarine segment of Kawa Stream extends from about the eastern edge of the Bay View Golf Course to the stream mouth, a distance of about 700 m. The channel is straight and varies in width from about 7 to 9 m. Water depths range from about 1 to 1.5 m. This channel was dredged to its present width around 1958, when wetlands here were reclaimed for building the Kaneohe WWTP. It was again dredged in 1965 to remove accumulated sediment (VTN Pacific, 1977). Fishes noted as present here include aholehole (Kuhlia sandwicensis), tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus), juvenile barracuda (Sphyraena barracuda), manini (Acanthurus triostegus), and jack (Caranx sp.), as well as several native gobies and blennies (Eleotris sandwicensis, Stenogobius hawaiiensis, & Awaous guamensis)4. Invertebrates noted were oysters, barnacles (Balanus sp.), grapsid crab (Metopograpsus thukuhar), blue-pincher crab (Thalamita sp.)3 and `opae oeha`a (Macrobrachium grandimanus)4. One is likely to see red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) turtles in the lower and estuarine reaches of Kawa Stream.
Other Stream Branches
Some of these small streams drain into grass-dominated wetlands that are remnants of formerly more extensive lowland marshes now surrounded by Bay View Golf Course. Drainages further east are all intermittent. From about the Kokokahi YWCA, drainage flows enter a narrow mangrove belt along the southern shore of Kane`ohe Bay.
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